US Virgin Islands Sunscreen Law

Please help preserve the glorious beaches and stunning underwater world that lure you to the shores of the US Virgin Islands so that you and your loved ones can enjoy them for years to come! Avoid sunscreens that contain the “Toxic 3 Os” of oxybenzone, octinoxate and octocrylene – they are prohibited in the United States Virgin Islands.

usvi sunscreen law

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Wear rashguards, hats, and use only non-nano mineral sunscreen containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide – the only sunscreen ingredients deemed safe and effective by the FDA. Always read the ingredient label to avoid sunscreen containing oxybenzone, octinoxate and octocrylene. There are many options to choose from.

For a selection of recommended non-nano mineral-based sunscreen lines, please CLICK HERE.

Read about how oxybenzone affects coral HERE.

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